The Island of Dren (Digital Novel)

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Original price was: $4.99.Current price is: $2.99.

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Middle Grade Fantasy.

The Island of Dren is about a twelve year old boy named Jack. While travelling with his mother to Egypt, Jack’s ship is caught in a storm and destroyed. A small group of survivors, including Jack and his mother, wash up on the shores of Dren, an enchanted island, where worms are used as translators, lizards can talk, and magic is alive and well. The people of Dren quickly befriend the weary travellers, after Jack has an encounter with a young girl named Chandra. But when treasure is discovered by the shipwrecked survivors, everything changes and the fate of Dren hangs in the balance. It is then that Jack must make the ultimate decision. Does he side with his countrymen, or his newfound friends on The Island of Dren?

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Middle Grade Fantasy.

The Island of Dren is about a twelve year old boy named Jack. While travelling with his mother to Egypt, Jack’s ship is caught in a storm and destroyed. A small group of survivors, including Jack and his mother, wash up on the shores of Dren, an enchanted island, where worms are used as translators, lizards can talk, and magic is alive and well. The people of Dren quickly befriend the weary travellers, after Jack has an encounter with a young girl named Chandra. But when treasure is discovered by the shipwrecked survivors, everything changes and the fate of Dren hangs in the balance. It is then that Jack must make the ultimate decision. Does he side with his countrymen, or his newfound friends on The Island of Dren?


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